Dec 29th, 2012

S-expressions: Macros

(sexpr  lexer  reader  eval  forms  special-forms  macros  walker  meta-eval)

The interpreter is functioning, it is able to calculate the fibonacci sequence recursively. And probably almost anything else you would want to. So what is the next step?

We have learnt that Lisp programs themself consist of lists. This makes them extremely easy to parse. But apart from that, we have not really seen the action of “code as data”. This property is also known as Homoiconicity.

If programs are lists and lists are data, that means we can treat programs as data. So instead of just parsing and interpreting it, how about modifying and generating new programs? And that’s exactly where macros come into play.

Macro theory

You probably know macros from C. A macro is an instruction that is applied to the source code before it is compiled. It is a source code transformation. In case of C, these macros tend to get very messy, which is mostly due to the fact that C is hard to generate code for, especially in a dynamic manner.

In Lisp, macros are quite common. In fact many of the things that are implemented as special forms in Ilias are macros in other Lisp implementations, and reduce to a very small number of primitive special forms. It’s a lot easier to generate valid syntax, because the syntax consists entirely of lists.

In fact, Lisp macros are not plain source transformations. They are AST transformations. This means that you get the fully parsed syntax tree and can make changes to it before it gets compiled or evaluated.

But it gets better. Macros can be defined at runtime. This means that a macro defined at runtime can modify the AST of the code following it. Which means that macros can use runtime functions to modify the source code.

At this point you’re probably thinking what the func, so let’s look at a practical example!

When operator

Imagine a program with a lot of conditional logic. For each condition there are a number of statements that need to be executed. In fact, let’s introduce a begin function in order to correctly represent this:

namespace Igorw\Ilias\Func;

class BeginFunc
    public function __invoke()
        $args = array_values(func_get_args());
        return end($args);

Of course it also needs to be added to the standard environment as begin.

The begin function takes a list of arguments and returns the last one. This simply allows a series of function calls to be made, and the result of the last one to be returned. Like this:

(begin (foo)

That statement will call three functions: foo, bar and baz. And return the resulting value from the baz call.

Now, the program with all of its conditional logic will have to do this all over the place:

(if condition?
    (begin (foo)

It must use begin to group the statements due to the way that if is structured. You cannot use a function for this, because some of the statements are conditional, and functions have all arguments evaluated before their application.

At some point you may think: Why am I repeating myself? If only the language had a when operator that has no else-form but just executes all arguments in sequence. And it would work like this:

(when condition?

With macros, you can add this new operator to the language yourself!


The way you can add it is by using the defmacro special form.

(defmacro when (condition a b c)
    (list 'if condition (list 'begin a b c)))

It takes three arguments:

  • name: The name of the macro, which is a symbol under which the macro will be stored in the environment. In this case when.

  • arguments: The argument list names unevaluated parts of the AST that will get passed to the macro function.

  • body: This is the equivalent of the body of a lambda special form which operates on the provided arguments. The return value of this function is the new AST that should be used instead of the original one. What it is doing in this case is constructing the actual previous source code of (if condition? (begin a b c)) as a list, and returning it.

Other implementations have a more fancy way of representing list construction, I will keep it raw in this case and construct lists manually using a list function which produces a list form from its arguments.

Actually, that function does not exist yet, so let’s define it:

namespace Igorw\Ilias\Func;

use Igorw\Ilias\Form\ListForm;

class ListFunc
    public function __invoke()
        return new ListForm(func_get_args());

As always, this also needs to go into the standard environment.

Going back to defmacro, it is basically just a special form that constructs a macro function and assigns it to the environment. It will be represented by a DefMacroOp and is relatively straight-forward to implement:

namespace Igorw\Ilias\SpecialOp;

use Igorw\Ilias\Environment;
use Igorw\Ilias\Form\ListForm;

class DefMacroOp implements SpecialOp
    public function evaluate(Environment $env, ListForm $args)
        $name = $args->car()->getSymbol();
        $macroArgs = $args->cdr()->car();
        $macroBody = $args->cdr()->cdr()->car();
        $env[$name] = new MacroOp($macroArgs, $macroBody);

The macro function itself will be an instance of MacroOp, and this is in fact the first time that a special form is being constructed dynamically. So far they have always been pre-defined on the environment. Now we are creating instances of the macro special form dynamically at runtime.

Macro operator

Now that macros can be defined, it also needs to be possible to actually expand them into their resulting form before evaluation. A very easy way of doing that is by expanding at runtime.

Once the program execution hits this form and evaluates it:

(when condition?

The macro operator expands it to:

(if condition?
    (begin (foo)

Then evaluates that and returns the result.

The macro operator has two constructor arguments as seen in DefMacroOp: A list of arguments and a list form representing the body.

namespace Igorw\Ilias\SpecialOp;

use Igorw\Ilias\Environment;
use Igorw\Ilias\Form\ListForm;

class MacroOp implements SpecialOp
    private $macroArgs;
    private $macroBody;

    public function __construct(ListForm $macroArgs, ListForm $macroBody)
        $this->macroArgs = $macroArgs;
        $this->macroBody = $macroBody;

    public function evaluate(Environment $env, ListForm $args)

There is one issue has not been discussed yet. And that is recursive expansion. If a macro call returns a new macro call, then that new macro call must also be expanded.

For example:

(defmacro plus (a b) (list '+ a b))
(defmacro pl (a b) (list 'plus a b))
(pl 1 2)

The third form of (pl 1 2) must be expanded once, yielding (plus 1 2). And since plus is also a macro, it needs to be expanded again, producing the final (+ 1 2) which can then be evaluated. The macro operator must be able to handle that case.

It turns out that the implementation of MacroOp is quite trivial. Most of the logic is already defined in LambdaOp and can be re-used. And because macros are expanded at runtime, they expand recursively automatically, simply by invoking them:

public function evaluate(Environment $env, ListForm $args)
    $expanded = $this->expandOne($env, $args);

    return $expanded->evaluate($env);

public function expandOne(Environment $env, Form $form)
    $transformForm = new LambdaOp();
    $transformFormArgs = new ListForm([

    $transformFn = $transformForm->evaluate($env, $transformFormArgs);

    return call_user_func_array($transformFn, $form->toArray());

Indeed, this is all it takes to implement runtime macro expansion.

Note: This implementation of macros does not operate on the raw AST, but on the form tree instead. The form tree is nothing more than an AST with attached behaviour. It’s an enriched AST.

How is this different from eval?

And while we’re at it, isn’t eval evil?

Macros are definitely extremely powerful and also quite dangerous. But they are not the equivalent of calling eval in PHP.

  • Macros do not have to be expanded at runtime. (More on this in an upcoming blog post).

  • Evaluation in Lisp does not mean interpretation. Many implementations will in fact compile the code before running it. Which could be remotely compared to opcode caching in PHP.


Macros are an extremely powerful code generation tool that is built into the language and allows you to define your own language constructs which look just like native ones.

Further reading

(sexpr  lexer  reader  eval  forms  special-forms  macros  walker  meta-eval)


Brought to you by @igorwhiletrue.

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