Sep 24th, 2012

Binary parsing with PHP

Binary operations in PHP are a bit strange. Since PHP was originally a templating layer for C code, it still has many of those C-isms. Lots of the function names map directly to C-level APIs, even if they work a bit differently sometimes. For example, PHP’s strlen maps directly to STRLEN(3), and there are countless examples of this. However, as soon as it comes to dealing with binary data, things suddenly become very different.

Binary data, you say?

What is binary data? Binary is really just a representation of data, and any data can be represented as 0s and 1s. When we speak of binary data, what we usually mean is representing data as a sequence of bits. And what we usually want to do is encode some data into bits for transfer and then decode them on the other end. The binary representation is simply an efficient wire format.

To encode and decode, we must somehow gain access to the individual bits, and then have functions that are able to convert from some existing representation to the packed one, and vice-versa. One of the tools that programming languages provide in order to do that are bitwise operations.

The C way

Before we look at the way this works in PHP, I’d like to first see how C handles it under the hood.

While C is a high level language, it is still very close to the hardware. Inside the CPU and RAM, data is stored as a sequence of bits. Therefore, integers in C are internally also a sequence of bits. A char is also a sequence of bits, and a string is an array of chars.

Let’s look at an example:

char *hello = "Hello World";
printf("char: %c\n", hello[0]);
printf("ascii: %i\n", hello[0]);

We are accessing the first character H and printing out two representations of it. The first is the char representation (%c), the second is the integer representation (%i). The char representation is H, the integer representation is 72. Why 72, you ask? Because the decimal 72 represents the letter H in the ascii table, which defines a charset that assigns every number from 0 to 128 a specific meaning. Some of them are control characters, some represent numbers, some represent letters.

So far so good. The data is just data that is stored somewhere, and we need to decide how to interpret it.

PHP: You should not be doing this in PHP anyways

One of the main reasons why this is different in PHP is the fact that string is a completely different type. Let’s explore what PHP does:

$hello = "Hello World";

To get the ascii code of a character in PHP, you need to call ord on a character (which is really not a character, but a one-character string, as there is no char type). Ord returns the ascii value of a character.

Unlike the C example, we have more than one representation of the data here. In C there is only a single representation which may have different interpretations. The number 72 could at the same time be the character H. PHP requires us to convert between strings and ascii-values, storing those two in separate variables with distinct types.

And this is the main pain when performing binary parsing in PHP. Since data can be represented as a string or a number, you always need to be aware of which you are dealing with. And depending on which one it is, you will have different tools you can use.

Dropping down to the bit level

So far we’ve seen how to access individual bytes and how to get their ascii value. But this isn’t very useful just yet. In order to parse binary protocols, we need to get access to the individual bytes.

As an example I will use the header of a DNS packet. The header consists of 12 bytes. Those 12 bytes are divided into 6 fields, each consisting of 2 bytes. Here is the format as defined by RFC 1035:

                                1  1  1  1  1  1
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
|                      ID                       |
|QR|   Opcode  |AA|TC|RD|RA|   Z    |   RCODE   |
|                    QDCOUNT                    |
|                    ANCOUNT                    |
|                    NSCOUNT                    |
|                    ARCOUNT                    |

All fields except the second are to be read as full numbers. The second one is special, because it fits many values into those 2 bytes.

Let’s assume that we have a DNS packet that is represented as a string, and we wanted to parse this “binary string” with PHP. Extracting the number values is easy. PHP provides an unpack function which allows you to unpack any string, decomposing it into a set of fields. You need to tell it how many bytes you want each field to have. Since we have 16 bits per field, we can just use n, which is defined as unsigned short (always 16 bit, big endian byte order). Unpack allows repeating a format as a pattern by appending a *, so we can simply unpack by using:

list($id, $fields, $qdCount, $anCount, $nsCount, $arCount) = array_values(unpack('n*', $header));

It converts the string of bytes into 6 numbers, each based on two bytes. We call array_values because the value returned by unpack is a 1-indexed array. In order to use list we need a 0-indexed array.

Here is the data of the DNS header, represented as hexadecimal. Two digits correspond to one byte. Two bytes are one field.

72 62 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00

This means that the values are:

  • id is 0x7262 which is 0111 0010 0110 0010 in binary, 29282 in decimal.
  • fields is 0x0100 which is 0000 0001 0000 0000 in binary.
  • qdCount is 0x0001 which is 0000 0000 0000 0001 in binary, 1 in decimal.
  • anCount, nsCount and arCount are 0.

Now, let’s have a look at expanding that fields variable into the values it contains. We cannot use unpack for that because unpack only deals with full bytes. But we can use the value that we got by decoding with n and extract the bytes from it by using bitwise operators.

Bitwise operators

There are a number of bitwise operators, which deal with the binary interpretation of PHP integers.

  • & is a bitwise AND
  • | is a bitwise OR
  • ^ is a bitwise XOR
  • ~ is a NOT, which means it inverts all bits
  • << is a left shift
  • >> is a right shift

The main use case for & is bitmasks. A bitmask allows you to unset certain bits. This is useful to only check the bits you care about, and ignore the others.

We determined that the value of fields is a number representing 0000 0001 0000 0000. We will process this value from right to left. The first sub-field is rcode, and it is 4 bits in length. This means that we need to ignore everything but the last 4 bits. We can do that by applying a bitmask:

value:          0000 0001 0000 0000
bitmask:        0000 0000 0000 1111
result of & op: 0000 0000 0000 0000

The & operator sets those bits that are 1 in both the value and the bitmask. Since there is no match in this case, the result is 0. In PHP code, the same operation looks like this:

$rcode = $fields & bindec('1111');

Note: We are using bindec to get an integer representing the binary 1111, because bitwise operators act on numbers. Since PHP 5.4 it is possible to write 0b1111, PHP will automatically convert it to the integer value 15.

Now we need to get the next value, the z. We can also apply the bitmask, but now we have a new problem. The value we care about has some extra bits on the right. To be exact, the 4 bits from the rcode. We can set them to 0 by using a bitmask, but that means we have some 0s there that we do not want.

The solution to this is bitwise shifting. You can take the entire number, in binary, and shift it to the left or to the right. Shifting to the right destroys the bits on the far right, as they’re shifted “over the edge”. In this case we want to shift it to the right, and we want to do that 4 times.

value:          0000 0001 0000 0000
result of >> 4:      0000 0001 0000

Now we can use a bitmask on this value to extract the last 3 bits to get the z value.

value:          0000 0001 0000 0000
result of >> 4:      0000 0001 0000
bitmask:        0000 0000 0000 0111
result of & op:      0000 0000 0000

And the same in PHP code:

$z = ($fields >> 4) & bindec('111');

You can re-apply this technique over and over, in order to parse the whole header. When you do that, you will end up with this:

list($id, $fields, $qdCount, $anCount, $nsCount, $arCount) = array_values(unpack('n*', $header));

$rcode = $fields & bindec('1111');
$z = ($fields >> 4) & bindec('111');
$ra = ($fields >> 7) & 1;
$rd = ($fields >> 8) & 1;
$tc = ($fields >> 9) & 1;
$aa = ($fields >> 10) & 1;
$opcode = ($fields >> 11) & bindec('1111');
$qr = ($fields >> 15) & 1;

And that’s how you parse binary data with PHP.


  • PHP has different ways of representing binary data.
  • Use unpack to convert from a “binary string” to an integer.
  • Use bitwise operators to access individual bits of that integer.

Further reading


Brought to you by @igorwhiletrue.

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